
Expert second opinions on Isle of Man

At Arg Beiyn Veterinary Practice, we are happy to receive referrals from other veterinary practices. We strive to provide a fast and efficient referral service. We understand that when your pet is very ill, you want a result as soon as possible.

Referral Procedure

Referrals must always be arranged through your own vet. 

Your vet should contact us by email or letter, including your pet's medical history, test results and reason for referral. Although in some cases, advice may be given over the phone, we will always insist on a written referral letter before proceeding. In emergency situations, information may be transferred by telephone. As soon as we have all the details and history, and are comfortable that we can help your pet, we will arrange for an initial consultation to decide on the best route for diagnosis and treatment.  In some cases, especially surgical, this may occur at the same time as admitting your pet to the hospital.

Following treatment or diagnosis, we will send a report to your vet. At this point, we may carry out follow-up examinations or recommend that you return to your usual vet. 

Internal Medicine

Peter Roberts has a post-graduate certificate in internal medicine and is an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Medicine. As well as offering our own clients a high standard of medical investigation we are also able to accept referrals of challenging medical cases. This may be due to a hard to diagnose condition or to help with management of an ongoing problem.

Abdominal Ultrasound Referrals

An abdominal scan will often be part of a medical referral, we are also able to provide detailed abdominal ultrasounds to the local practices to complement their own investigations, a full detailed report is provided which also includes the benefit of Pete's medical experience rather than just a list of findings.

"I can take referrals for a diversity of medical issues such as chronic vomiting/diarrhoea, unexplained weight loss, liver/kidney disorders and any other medical issue. I am firm believer that medicine is about making an individual practical plan, and a test is only worth doing if it will make a positive impact on the patient and how we can help them.

To complement medical investigations I have undergone advanced training in abdominal ultrasound, followed by the experience of performing regular detailed scans of diverse cases in the hospital setting. I can offer abdominal ultrasound as part of a full medical referral or as an outpatient procedure where a full report is provided to the referring vet. As well as identification of abnormalities I aim to provide a thorough interpretation with medical context and recommendations to aid the ongoing case management, and can offer guided aspirates or biopsies where appropriate."

Dr Peter Roberts pgc(SAM) BVMS MRCVS - RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Medicine


As a practice, we have always tried to give our clients the best service possible. We are aware that major diseases necessitating referrals led to a lot of stress and cost to our patients. In 2004, Karl Bovenizer passed the RCVS certificate in Cardiology.  Along with a considerable investment in equipment, this allows the practice to look after the majority of its heart patients in-house, rather than having to send them to the UK.

Although not on Island fulltime, Karl visits regularly and so we accept cardiology referrals. Services offered are:

  • X-ray reading
  • ECGs
  • Cardiac examination and assessment
  • Boxer murmur grading
  • Echocardiography with full-colour doppler

For any further information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us and speak to one of our friendly staff.

For any further information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us and speak to one of our friendly staff.